Oldest Post Box

Oldest post box size

Park City Municipal Old Town Post Office Box Subsidy Program

Post Boxes – a brief history. The roadside post box was introduced in Britain following the 1840 postal reform which provided for universal affordable postage. New adhesive stamps made pre-payment of postage easy. However, letters usually had to be taken to the nearest letter receiving office which could be miles away. The General Post Office (GPO) was the state postal system and telecommunications carrier of the United Kingdom until 1969. Before the Acts of Union 1707, it was the postal system of the Kingdom of England, established by Charles II in 1660.

  1. On September 17, 2020, as a result of Old Town's historic setting and unique geographical constraints, the Park City Council offered to subsidize a PO Box's annual cost for primary residents in Old Town*.
  2. To be considered, the applicant must pay the Post Office for their box, then submit eligibility information to the City.
  3. For eligibility the following must be provided:
    • Documentation of proof of payment to Post Office;
    • Documentation of living in old town*; and
    • Proof of primary residency. Only property tax bills or a valid lease will be accepted to qualify.
  4. While the subsidy began September 18, 2020, Park City will reimburse residents who previously paid for the PO Box after July 1, 2020, to align with the City's fiscal year.

Submit requests or other questions to: Jonathan Weidenhamer, jweidenhamer@parkcity.org, and Ervhi Bautista, ervhi.bautista@parkcity.org.

Oldest Post BoxBox

Oldest Post Box In London

Oldest Post Box

Oldest Post Box Numbers

*Old Town Map for this purpose includes Deer Valley Drive going south to Daly Avenue and west/east from Lowell Avenue to Rossi Hill/McHenry Avenues.